From: Skeptic Magazine Hotline, Thu, 21 Oct 1999.
By Michael Shermer


Okay, let's all take a deep breath. A bunch of you hammered me for bringing up the very tragic death of Cassie Bernal in the Columbine murders, and her very emotionally touching story about the courage of her conviction to say "yes" in the face of death from a killer who asked her if she believes in God. I know this is an EXTREMELY sensitive issue, and I absolutely mean to cause no pain to anyone, especially her family, but I'm just pointing out what has already come out and is rapidly becoming a controversy since the mythic nature of the story was broken by Salon magazine. I was just in Denver yesterday and this is already an explosive issue. Peter Boyle, who has the number one talk show in Denver, boasted to me of being the first to break the story on the air and he's been hammering on it ever since. Below I have posted the story for you all to read, with other sources. The controversy brewing this week is why the Denver media did not report the story when they apparently had good information and reliable sources that the entire story is a bad misunderstand that has become a myth of epic proportions.

There are several reasons that this story should concern us:

1. Many Christian groups are trying to portray this mass murder as an atheist-believer divide, and the sort of madman/amoral actions of nonbelievers (because without God what would stop any of us from murdering our fellow humans, goes the reasoning--and yes, people really do make this argument: I have heard this in every talk I have ever given on God and religion.) Frankly I'm sick and tired of having to defend the nonbelievers' belief in the value of human life in and of itself that does not require a higher power for justification. (I read some of the book in an airport today. What the story is really about is how Cassie's life was miserable, ruinous, debauched, etc., until she found and accepted Christ and became born again. Misty thanks Cassie on the last page for saving her life as well by finding Christ.) In reality, the story as it is reported is that the only targets of the shooters were athletes. The rest were just random shootings. Atheists are not to blame.

2. We can all sympathize with Cassie's parents, of course, and since I have a young daughter I can even empathize. But we should broaden our sympathetic horizon just a bit to encompass the other victims families. In fact, while Cassie Bernal's mother, Misty, makes the rounds of national media (20/20, The Today Show, Larry King Live), and sales of her book exceed a quarter of a million copies, and Christian groups have embraced the story and elevated it to mythic proportions, the rest of the families suffer in silence watching the circus sideshow. I'm sorry to point this out, but this is blatant commercialism capitalizing on a tragedy. The publisher and the author are making millions of dollars (nothing has been said, that I know of, of what the parents intend to do with the royalties). In fact, the girl to whom the murderer actually spoke the words "do you believe in God?" Valeen Schnurr, said "yes" and she was spared. Why haven't we heard from her, or heard about her courage? Because she has been encouraged to (and, understandably) felt the need to keep silent; as did the girl who witnessed the whole thing and said from the very beginning that it never happened. This hardly seems fair to Valeen, her family, and especially to the parents of those who died.

3. The truth matters. One spectrum of debate in Denver this week is whether the truth matters or not. The argument goes like this: It doesn't matter if it happened or not, it's a wonderful and heartwarming story that makes people feel good so just let it go. That is, in fact, what probably happened to the Denver media until the Salon story broke. But now that the truth is coming out (which it inevitably does despite best intentions), I fail to see how such blatant mythmaking and commercialism (the book is just the beginning--audio and video tapes are already being released) can help anyone involved in this tragedy come to grips with their loss and grief.

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Plus commentary:

Who said "Yes"?

Local reporters have known for months that eyewitnesses disputed the
account of Cassie Bernall's "martyrdom." So why did the truth take so long
to see print? 

By Dave Cullen

Sept. 30, 1999 | LITTLETON, Colo. -- 

Emily Wyant knew from the beginning: Columbine "martyr" Cassie Bernall
never said "Yes." 

Wyant, who survived the Columbine massacre April 20, told the FBI months
ago that the famous "unlikely martyrdom of Cassie Bernall," immortalized
in a best-selling book by Cassie's mom, Misty, never happened. She told
Misty and Brad Bernall, Cassie's parents, the same account, and she also
told the Rocky Mountain News. 

But it wasn't until Sept. 24, one day after Salon News broke the story
that investigators doubted Bernall's famous gunpoint declaration of faith,
that the News printed a long story detailing Wyant's account. 

How did the paper react so quickly, with a detailed, never-before-public
account of Bernall's death, a day after the new revelations? Sources at
the paper confirm that the details weren't actually new at all: They'd
been sitting on the story for quite some time. The News ran the article
nearly five months after obtaining the true story from Wyant, and two
weeks after running news stories promoting the release of "She Said Yes:
The Unlikely Martyrdom of Cassie Bernall" -- news stories that presented
the account of Bernall's martyrdom as fact. 

The Denver Post didn't get its new Bernall stories into print until
Saturday.  It followed up on Tuesday, after the paper was able to
interview Valeen Schnurr, the young Columbine student who was asked by one
of the killers if she believed in God -- after she'd been shot. But the
Post had been aware of rumors that the Bernall story was not true earlier
than that, though it had not confirmed them, according to assistant city
editor Evan Dreyer. "We had heard it; we were working on it," he said. 

The belated media outing of the truth about Cassie Bernall raises
questions about why the story took so long to find its way into print.
Misty Bernall's book landed on the Publishers Weekly bestseller list at
No. 14 this week, with 350,000 copies in print and more than 250,000
already sold, according to the publisher. In the past three weeks, the
Bernalls have appeared on Today, 20/20 and Larry King Live, among others.
The story has inspired a massive surge in Christian youth groups'
recruitment around the country and overseas. 

Emily Wyant watched with disbelief as the Bernall myth mushroomed. "Once
she started hearing all that, she said, 'That didn't happen. Why are they
saying that?'" her mother recalls. The girl kept waiting for investigators
or news reporters to refute the myth, so she would not have to come
forward herself. 

"She never wanted to ever, ever say anything against it," says her mother,
who did not want her first name used because of community sensitivity
about the Bernall controversy. "She just was real frustrated with it, and
she just kept saying, 'But that never happened. Why are they saying that?'
That's the thing that bothered her." 

Wyant is the only living person who actually witnessed Bernall's death.
She was hiding beneath a table right beside Cassie when it happened.
"Emily was right there next to her, and in fact, she was looking right in
her eyes, so you'd think she would be able to hear that, being right next
to her, if anything was exchanged. And she can't remember anything being
said," Wyant explained. 

As the Rocky Mountain News reported Sept. 24, Wyant and Bernall were
studying alone together in the back of the library. After the gunmen
rushed in, the girls crouched beneath a table together, and Cassie began
praying aloud: "Dear God. Dear God. Why is this happening? I just want to
go home." Dylan Klebold suddenly slammed his hand on the table, yelled
"Peekaboo," and looked underneath. He shot Cassie without exchanging a
word. Wyant's mother confirmed that the Rocky Mountain News correctly
reported the details of her daughter's account. 

Salon News reported last Thursday that investigators believed the famous
exchange actually took place between Klebold and Valeen Schnurr, and was
mistakenly attributed to Bernall. Now Schnurr herself has confirmed that
story.  On Tuesday the Denver Post reported her account, which she also
told to Salon News: 

Schnurr was down on her hands and knees bleeding, already hit by 34
shotgun pellets, when one of the killers approached her. She was saying,
"Oh, my God, oh, my God, don't let me die," and he asked her if she
believed in God. She said yes; he asked why. "Because I believe and my
parents brought me up that way," she said. He reloaded, but didn't shoot
again. She crawled away. 

Schnurr's testimony has been unwavering since the start. After
interviewing every person who survived the library to unravel
discrepancies, investigators came to believe her story was accurate, and
was probably the only such exchange about God with the killers.
Investigators have gone public with that belief since the Salon story
broke last Thursday. 

On Saturday, the Denver Post reported sheriff's spokesman Steve Davis
going on the record to state that a lot of investigators had strong doubts
about the alleged conversation between Cassie Bernall and Klebold, that
they had shared those doubts with the Bernalls, and that those doubts had
only grown since they alerted the Bernalls to their concerns. 

Friday, the Rocky Mountain News also cast doubt on the account credited
with starting the Cassie myth. Division Chief John Kiekbusch said the
entire story-that the exchange about God had been between Bernall and
Klebold -- began with survivor Craig Scott. 

"[Scott] told investigators he heard the "Yes" comment and recognized the
voice as Cassie Bernall's," the News reported. "He did not actually see
the individuals involved ... Investigators said Scott was asked to point
out where the gunmen were at the time, and he indicated a table where
Valeen Schnurr -- not Bernall was hiding." 

A reporter for the paper said the News was waiting to run a story
debunking several Columbine myths, including Bernall's, until a few weeks
before the report was released. It was not until the Salon story broke, he
said, that Wyant would allow the paper to use her name. News metro editor
Steve Myers confirmed that the paper had much of the information about the
myths Salon debunked Sept. 23. 

"The things that you reported were not unknown to me," Myers said. He
abruptly ended the conversation when questioned about the ethics of
sitting on the Bernall disclosures when the book was released. 

But as recently as Sept. 10, the publication day of "She Said Yes," the
News was running news articles presenting the story as fact. The paper
actually ran two articles that day, one promoting the book's release and
the other enthusiastically reporting on the surge in Christian youth
recruitment inspired by the story. The first story explains early on that
the book's title refers to 17-year-old Cassie's "final moments before
dying." Toward the end of the article, it hedges slightly, with the
following paragraph: 

"According to some fellow students who survived the carnage in the
Columbine library, one of the two gunmen asked Cassie if she believed in
God. 'Yes,' she answered. The gunman asked, 'Why?' -- then pulled the

It offers no reference to dissenting views. The second story was
unequivocal, repeatedly presenting the story as fact. "Bernall's answer to
her killer -- 'Yes, I believe in God' -- has helped seed a harvest of
youthful faith in Colorado and across the country," it reads. 

Neither story presented the slightest hint that the paper had long been
planning to shatter that claim. 

Clearly, the story of what really happened to Cassie Bernall is a
sensitive one in the Columbine community. 

The Wyant and Bernall families had dinner together some time after the
massacre. "Emily just kind of wanted to let them know that she was with
her when she died," her mother said. She confirmed that Emily told the
Bernalls the exchange about God between Cassie and her killer never
happened. "Yes, she did tell them. She didn't volunteer that, they asked

But the Bernalls dispute that conversation. Chris Zimmerman, Misty
Bernall's editor at Plough Publishing, released a statement saying:
"[Wyant] was interviewed for "She Said Yes" and never disputed the
original accounts of Cassie's death, as widely reported in the national
media. Now, however, she says she doesn't believe Cassie ever exchanged
words with her killer. Brad Bernall, Cassie's father, says, 'We are
surprised at Emily's new account. It is inconsistent with the one we
received from her and her parents earlier.'" 

Wyant said Emily was torn for months over the escalating myth, and her
parents tried to caution her against bearing the entire weight of a
potential backlash.  "She was in a tough position," her mother said. "So
we were trying to guide her and help her, try and make the best choice.
She doesn't know the ramifications that could come afterwards. She was
just thinking about 'I want to tell the truth.'" 

Emily expected the ordeal to end once she spoke to the Rocky Mountain
News, and was surprised and frustrated that it didn't. "It was kind of
like therapy for her to get it out," her mother said. "And she kept
waiting to see it, but ..."  she trailed off. 

Wyant said that a News reporter told her the paper was conducting its own
thorough investigation, compiling stories from every person in the
library, putting them together into maps of where everyone in the room
was, "to get an idea of what really happened." 

By contrast, no one from the Denver Post contacted the Wyant family until
Saturday night, asking for a reaction to the statement from Misty
Bernall's publisher. 

The Post's Evan Dreyer admitted to conflicted feelings about tackling the
controversy over Bernall's martyrdom. "For a lot of these stories, it
comes down to: We're the local media," he said. "We have to weigh lots of
questions of sensitivity, caring and concern for the victims' families,
more so than a lot of the national media does. "So, as local media, you
think twice and three times and four times about whether that's a story
you want to go with. But maybe we are erring too much on the side of
concern and sympathy, and [Salon News] sort of forced the issue." | Sept. 30, 1999 

[end of Salon article]
Posted by Michael Shermer
Publisher Skeptic Magazine
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